

Notifications are an essential aspect to GroupMe, and as such we try to make them as powerful as possible while also offering the utmost customizability so that you see only what you need to see. In the app settings, we offer general settings to control notifications for entire groups. However, many of our users find themselves in various circumstances, only wanting notifications when they, or someone they know, is mentioned, or only from certain people. To allow control for this aspect of notifications, we introduced the new Commands feature. It is exactly what it sounds like, and to use it all you simply need to do is enter a command in the relevant chat in the following manner:

/command-name additional-info

To help you become more familiar with the command system, we've laid out some example commands below:

Only get notified when people you specify are mentioned in a chat:

/notify-only-mention @User1 @User2 @User3

Quickly mute an entire server (Note: this is also possible through the settings menu):

/mute all

Mute specific people:

/mute @User1 @User2

Silent notifications


There are many more options than just those mentioned above and the Commands feature is very powerful. To get a list of all possible commands, use /help and each command and corresponding usage will be displayed.

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